Until a few years ago, I punched important documents and filed them thematically in classic folders. The result after a few years was to have many folders that took up space and, above all, time for order. Nevertheless, i searched for documents for a long time and that was only possible from home.

In the meantime, I have found a solution that allows me to store all my documents in a shoe box and access them from anywhere at any time.
How often do we need original documents in hand and how much time and space do we spend organizing invoices, certificates or other important documents? More than once a year I don’t look for a sheet of paper in my documents. So why all this?
My solution for digital document filing is the document management system fileee.com

The idea is that you take a picture of your document with your smartphone and then put the original in a box – without punching, without further processing – simply on the stack on top of it.
The rest of the work with the document is done on the smartphone. Fileee analyzes the document and finds out the most important key figures by itself. When is the document dated, by whom is the document dated and what type of document is it (invoice, contract, certificate… )?

You just check this data and add more keywords to it that you think might be useful in the future. Words that occur in the document itself do not need to be tagged because Fileee does OCR text recognition over the document.
If you set up a free account at Fileee, you get 1000 free documents to upload in the first month and can then upload 15 documents a month. That’s enough for me since more than 2 years.
Documents that illustrate my life since about 2007 are now all at Fileee and in my shoe box. The digitalization cost me a lot of time. But on that occasion I was able to clean out and dispose of about 60% of the documents in advance.
Fileee has greatly simplified my life for me and now I’m not only digitizing the “important” documents, but also receipts or manuals, which I immediately throw away and no longer even keep in the original. From several ugly folders to a small inconspicuous box. There is never again a “filing” which I have to take care of “sometime” because I scan everything immediately and put it in the box.
For the future I even plan to store my invoices, which I get by mail in Fileee because I can search the content of the PDF files there, which unfortunately does not work with my mail provider.
[…] will only take the remaining cards with me as needed. But in Fileee there is a picture of each card in case any unplanned numbers become […]